Spider Webs.
MILLAR, Margaret
Spider Webs. - 1. Aufl. - London Penguin Books 1989 - 323 S.
Ein äußerst attraktiver Skipper schwarzer Hautfarbe soll eine unbescholtene Ehefrau ermordet und ins Meer geworfen haben. Die Gerichtsverhandlung bringt für alle Beteiligten - Richter, Verteidiger, Justizangestellte, Angeklagten - wenig Schmeichelhaftes ans Tageslicht. A yacht captain is on trial for murdering a woman he hired with more than the boat's cooking in mind. Circumstantial evidence abounds, so the slick defense attorney coaches his client in ways to influence the jury. Millar is more interested in developing engaging, three-dimensional characters than in solving the crime here. The judge, the lawyers, the clerk, and several witnesses all have different reasons for being concerned with the outcome, and the reader gets to see that justice can be very fragile in a realistic courtroom setting. A neat surprise ending concludes this skillfully told story, one of the author's wittiest.
Racial problems
Spider Webs. - 1. Aufl. - London Penguin Books 1989 - 323 S.
Ein äußerst attraktiver Skipper schwarzer Hautfarbe soll eine unbescholtene Ehefrau ermordet und ins Meer geworfen haben. Die Gerichtsverhandlung bringt für alle Beteiligten - Richter, Verteidiger, Justizangestellte, Angeklagten - wenig Schmeichelhaftes ans Tageslicht. A yacht captain is on trial for murdering a woman he hired with more than the boat's cooking in mind. Circumstantial evidence abounds, so the slick defense attorney coaches his client in ways to influence the jury. Millar is more interested in developing engaging, three-dimensional characters than in solving the crime here. The judge, the lawyers, the clerk, and several witnesses all have different reasons for being concerned with the outcome, and the reader gets to see that justice can be very fragile in a realistic courtroom setting. A neat surprise ending concludes this skillfully told story, one of the author's wittiest.
Racial problems